Software Articles and Documents


In a company where software quality is paramount and where products evolve, complexity increases over time. One way to get consistent and predictable results is to automate (in a known and expected way) additional tasks required of employees in addition to product development.


These apps were designed for users who like to do simple tasks quickly in command line, and for users who like to automatize processes with scripts.

The preferred style of documentation is the "quick how-to", in which instructions are subjectively minimized, to keep the focus and clarity.



Jake is a build utility. Its name comes from: Jobs Make. Parallel jobs are used to make goals.

Jake was inspired by the reliable "make" utility. However, the goal is not to support everything make can do. Rather, to provide a clear approach to achieve user-defined goals.


Setup for the first time

[1] Unpack the archive:

unzip -o OR 7z x -y

(optional) Verify the checksums against the official checksum values.

Do not use checksums from unknown sources.

(optional) On Linux: chmod +x bin/* or chmod u+x bin/*.


Setup for the first time

[1] Unpack the archive:

unzip -o OR 7z x -y

(optional) Verify the checksums against the official checksum values.

Do not use checksums from unknown sources.

(optional) On Linux: chmod +x bin/* or chmod u+x bin/*.


Setup for the first time

[1] Unpack the archive:

unzip -o OR 7z x -y

(optional) Verify the checksums against the official checksum values.

Do not use checksums from unknown sources.

(optional) On Linux: chmod +x bin/* or chmod u+x bin/*.


Wildcard Patterns

  • Special markers:

    • ? == any char
    • * == "" "any-chars"
    • a|b == a || b
  • A match action will skip over ./ or ../ at start of string, to avoid an unexpected match with .* in file-path.


Setup for the first time

[1] Unpack the archive:

unzip -o OR 7z x -y

(optional) Verify the checksums against the official checksum values.

Do not use checksums from unknown sources.

(optional) On Linux: chmod +x bin/* or chmod u+x bin/*.


Setup for every new project-tree

[1] Create configuration files for projects and subprojects.

  • Create the "abc.conf" configuration file in the top-level project directory.
  • For each sub-project:
    • (optional) If there is already a known make/ninja/cmake file, then a fresh "abc.conf" will be copied automatically from main config directory.