Software Articles and Documents


  • abcd ver v8.10-r241111
    • Run command: optional argument: return code change.
    • Bigger and faster cache.
    • While evaluating configuration files, syntax errors point to the file and the line after an "include".
  • helpers ver v2.16-r241111

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Abc has been renamed to Abcd since v8.08 to better reflect its role and capabilities.

Abcd covers steps A,B,C,D and prepares step E in the ABCDE process.


  • The executable was renamed from 'abc' to 'abcd'. However, you can still rename the executable as you like.


In a company where software quality is paramount and where products evolve, complexity increases over time. One way to get consistent and predictable results is to automate (in a known and expected way) additional tasks required of employees in addition to product development.


What is "C+-" ?

  • A subset of C++ language with additional code conventions.
  • A collection of libraries written in a special way.

"C+-" as a subset of C++:

  • No RTTI.

Ready? ... Let's start!

The main pattern


# Sample Project-Tree - with Abc Main Config # These are trimmed-down examples, for a quick-try. # The focus is on dependencies between projects. # # In this file, to easily copy and paste: # the text is commented, the commands are not. # ---------- # Go to base directory of one of the project groups


Sample configuration for abc Main Config directory. Designed to demonstrate the most important capabilities of abc. Notes: * Projects inherit this configuration, then select specific parts to use. * Projects need only establish what differs from the Main Configuration. * The order in which variables are evaluated within other variables is important.


These apps were designed for users who like to do simple tasks quickly in command line, and for users who like to automatize processes with scripts.

The preferred style of documentation is the "quick how-to", in which instructions are subjectively minimized, to keep the focus and clarity.



Jake is a build utility. Its name comes from: Jobs Make. Parallel jobs are used to make goals.

Jake was inspired by the reliable "make" utility. However, the goal is not to support everything make can do. Rather, to provide a clear approach to achieve user-defined goals.
