General instructions for software applications

2024-04-01 (last update) / (published at) 2022-05-18

These apps were designed for users who like to do simple tasks quickly in command line, and for users who like to automatize processes with scripts.

The preferred style of documentation is the "quick how-to", in which instructions are subjectively minimized, to keep the focus and clarity.

Setup for the first time

[1] Unpack the archive:

unzip -o OR 7z x -y

(optional) Verify the checksums against the official checksum values.

Do not use checksums from unknown sources.

(optional) On Linux: chmod +x bin/* or chmod u+x bin/*.

The extracted binaries from the original archive should have the 'x' file mode set. It depends, though, on your particular system configuration and how the archive was unpacked.

(optional) Add the "bin/" directory to the PATH environment variable.

[1.1] Abc needs an additional configuration directory

For a quick-start, use Abc sample config files, example projects and Abc documentation. The configuration files are commented.

[2] Enjoy.

Run the desired application on the command line.

The --help command line argument can be used with these applications.

Additional aspects to consider for daily use

  • "bin/" directory is not mandatory. It is what most users expect. The apps can run from any directory.
  • (optional) Copy/move the binaries in your PATH OR add the full path to "bin/" into PATH.

  • The apps will want to do exactly what they are instructed to do. Like a lot of similar apps.
    • There are no safety nets: for power users to enjoy the full speed and to trust the desired outcome in the given context.
    • You have the control. It is up to you how the apps are trained to run and what work to do.

  • If we have important requests from you and we have the resources, we may prepare binaries for unsupported-yet OS and architecture.
  • The applications were designed for Linux and Windows.
  • We would like to try a new OS, however, keep in mind that porting may require extra effort for operating systems designed to behave differently.

Additional notes regarding the license file
  • An Active-License-File is tied to one OS instance per computer.

    • These software applications are designed to finish their tasks as quick as possible.
    • Network access only for license reasons would defeat the speed goal.
    • Consequently, there are no network/shared licenses.
  • Active-Licenses are perpetual. They have no expiration date.

  • There are no refunds for an Active-License.

    • The user can and should test the software beforehand on his/her OS instance.
    • It is up to users to use an Active-License-File or not once they have it.
    • A request for an active license assumes that the user wants it and understands the context.
  • A Default-License is used by default, when the correct Active-License-File is not found in the right location.

    • Software applications which need registration and use a Default-License may have delays.
    • Delays can add up quickly when the application is run for batch processing, several times per second/minute.
    • No delays during Happy Hours.
  • You can purchase an "Active License" to eliminate delays.

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