Registration steps for Active-License files
2024-09-11 (last update)
/ (published at) 2022-05-18
By following the steps described below you can obtain one or more Active-License files.
By downloading, installing or using the software, you agree to the following:
EULA, Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy
Registration Steps:
Step [1] Enroll
- At this point, you have already used our software on your computer(s)
for at least 15 days.
- In the terminal/console, run each application you want to register on each computer:
__app__ --register
Step [2] Send the registration data
- Email us either the generated files or the text between the markers.
- Your email address will be used in the next steps,
as well as for identifying you as a customer.
- If you want to buy several licenses,
you should keep track of which text corresponds to which computer.
- The generated filenames should be sufficient to identify the correct computer.
- You can rename them as you like before sending them,
but you have to remember which ones correspond to which computer.
- The numbers in the registration file are hash values.
- Original data (longer) cannot be restored from a hash (shorter).
- Only on your specific OS instance these hash numbers have a meaning.
Step [2.1] For Non-Profit registration:
- Please additionally submit proof that
our software will not be used for profit activities.
eg. The software you build using our tools is not (part of) a sold product.
Step [3] Pay to use the Active-License files
- We will check the integrity of the registration files you sent,
to verify that each active-license file can be used on your computer(s).
Step [3.1] For Standard category (paid):
- You will receive the invoice for the Active-License files.
- After the bill is paid (bank transfer only),
you will receive the corresponding active-license files.
Step [3.2] For Non-Profit category:
Step [4] Use the Active-License files
- You will receive at the same email address the corresponding Active-License files.
- Each Active-License file will normally have the same name as the registration file,
but with another extension,
if there are no filename conflicts.
- Copy them as instructed to the appropriate location.
- You can verify in terminal/console that the Active-License file was corerctly installed:
__app__ --license
Example 1:
For the files
you will receive license-files named like this:
It is easy to know which license file corresponds to which computer.
Example 2:
For the files
you will receive license-files named like this, probably:
You will have to try to find which license file corresponds to which computer.